Pinak Disclamer
Indemnity cum Declaration
I, [Participant’s full name in Capital letters], hereby acknowledge and declare that I have chosen to participate voluntarily in the adventure activity organised by PINAK ADVENTURE PARK. I understand that adventure activities involve inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of injury, illness, or death, as well as damage or loss of personal property. I am aware that the activity may involve strenuous physical exertion, exposure to various weather conditions, difficult terrain, and other unpredictable situations.
In consideration of being allowed to participate in the activity, I hereby agree to the following:
- I acknowledge that I have been informed of the nature and extent of the risks associated with the activity, including the potential for serious injury, illness, or death.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to assess my physical fitness and ability to participate in the activity. I affirm that I am in good health and do not have any known medical conditions or physical limitations that could be aggravated by the activity.
- I agree to comply with all instructions provided by the activity organisers and guides or instructors, including safety guidelines, equipment usage, and behavioural guidelines.
- I acknowledge that PINAK ADVENTURE PARK may need to make changes to the planned itinerary, shorten, or cancel the tour due to unforeseen circumstances beyond their control. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, inclement weather, administrative or court orders, riots, political unrest, epidemic or pandemic, and natural or manmade disasters. In the event of changes or cancellations, I acknowledge that PINAK ADVENTURE PARK will not be liable for any refunds or additional expenses
- I understand that if I need to leave the tour early for any reason, I am not entitled to a refund, and PINAK ADVENTURE PARK and its vendors or partners will not be liable for any expenses incurred as a result of my early departure and thus will be borne by me.
- I assume all risks associated with the activity and hereby release and discharge PINAK ADVENTURE PARK, its legal entity, employee or freelance staff, vendors or partners from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of or related to any loss, damage, injury, illness, or death that may occur during or as a result of my participation in the activity.
- I agree to indemnify and hold harmless PINAK ADVENTURE PARK, its legal entity, employees including guides, freelance staff, vendors or partners and their representatives from any and all claims, actions, suits, or demands, including legal fees and expenses, arising out of or related to any third-party claims resulting from my participation in the
I have read this Indemnity cum Declaration form carefully and understand its contents. I am signing this document voluntarily, fully aware of its legal consequences.
Participant’s Signature (legal guardian for minor):
Participant’s Information:
Full Name:
Data of Birth: Address:
Contact Number:
In case of Emergency:
Contact Name:
Relation with the Participant:
Contact Address:
Contact Number:
Alternate Contact Number:
For any queries or clarification write in to